Bit of a delay on reporting on this event due to holidays (not complaining!) but its important to advise the great effort made by members of the club to sponsor a fun dog show for a wonderful charity The Williams Syndrome Foundation. The event took place in Alton, Hampshire on the 30th July in Anstey Park and had the normal classes associated to a fun dog show. These were:
Best Puppy (3-12mnths old) Best Young Bitch – (1-7 years) Best Young Male – (1-7years Best Veteran Bitch – (7+) Best Veteran Male (7+) Best Fancy Dress Best Junior Handler (child age 0>12) Waggiest tail The show had a brilliant turn out and at only £3 entry per class it was great to be raising money for the charity. Each winner was presented with a rosette, chocolates, certificate and a bag of dog biscuits. Each class rosettes were awarded to the top 4 dogs. Judged by Mark Bird he had a tough job, especially choosing the Best in Show. He ended up choosing a beautiful German Shepard owned by the Beard Family and shown by their daughter Elsie who won the junior handlers class. She was very pleased to have won! We also gave out information and demos of the various sports we do with our dogs, it created a lot of interest which can only be good for the sport! We have agreed to sponsor the show again next year as we enjoyed doing it so much - well done and thank you to everyone who took part and supported the charity as well as to the club members who helped stage the event.
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AuthorThe NATBs will be keeping you up to date on their members, their dogs and events for the 2015/2016 Season. Hope you enjoy! Archive
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