2 of our members have signed up to take part in the British Heart Foundations Mymarathon during May.
This is an online event where you have to run at least the distance of a marathon, 26.2 miles, during May. You can do it in 4 hours, 4 days or 4 weeks. Isobel and Emma decided it would be a good motivation to get out with the dogs in May and signed up. Emma even made the local paper (pic below). Both plan on running a few times a week with their dogs to cover the distance, and more!! (No pressure girls!) They are both requesting sponsorship to raise money for this brilliant cause, heart disease affects people at any age and both know people who have had issues. Find more information at: https://mymarathon.bhf.org.uk/?gclid=CNeL2r64rswCFYidGwodILAJbQ Sponsor Emma at: https://mymarathon.everydayhero.com/uk/team-tortoise-mymarathon-bhf Sponsor Izzy at: https://mymarathon.everydayhero.com/uk/Isobelpowysmarathon
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In March 4 members attended the BSSF Thetford weekend - the weekend was great fun apart from the battering they received from Storm Kate!!!
The course was interesting and the competition fierce as it was a qualifying weekend. A great effort was made my the member Lucy, Elaine, Tracy and Toria and the club is hugely proud of them for facing the storm (literally) and ensuring both dogs and humans had a memorable weekend away together. Lucy won her class and is now a European champion :) Elaine came second in the vet canicross class, Toria 6th in biekor and Tracy 8th Well done ladies and fur friends :) One of our dedicated members Roxi Rose has over the last few week put in some serious miles with her dogs Millie and Tyson.
The 13th March saw Roxi and Millie take part in the Lamer Tree marathon, they completed this hilly course in 4:28:17 coming 2nd in her age category. Singing the praises of her running partner Roxi says "Millie was bloody amazing today as that was not easy. A dog really is the best running partner anyone can have -fact!" - we couldn't agree more! On the 2nd of April Roxi ran the Checkendon Challenge 5k course with her 2 dogs in the 2 dog mixed class, this 5k course is challenging in a technical manner, but running this the day before the QECP - madness! On the 3rd April Roxi and Millie competed in the Queen Elizabeth Country Park half marathon with Millie - the route takes you along the north downs way pure hills and clay.. Roxi admits to this being "one of the toughest half's I have done and the heat didn't help". She came 81st /200 people - which is awesome! To say we are proud of Roxi would be an understatement - and of course her wonderful fur running partners :) Last weekend and everyone was back in Checkendon for the 2 weekend in the series. The weather was kind, cool mornings and only a small amount of rain on the Saturday night.
As always Jan and David ran and organised fun event for all. The NATBs again put on a good showing and spent some quality time together having a laugh and having fun with their dogs. Extra congrats goes to Cliff who ran his 2 dogs Stanley and Cody for the first time as a pair and won the scooter class :) Well done all for another good show and representation of the sport and the club. Results Bikejor Female Saturday - Melanie Sheehan - 1st place Nicole Sheenah - 4th place Emma Giles - 10th place Sunday - Melanie Sheehan - 1st place Nicole Sheenah - 8th place Emma Giles - 10th place Bikejor Male Saturday - Mark Mazzucca - 1st place Cliff Tarrant - 2nd place Sunday - Mark Mazzucca - 1st place Cliff Tarrant - 2nd place Scooter Male Saturday - Cliff Tarrant - 1st place Sunday - Cliff Tarrant - 2nd place Scooter female - Saturday - Claire Spencer - 1st place Emily Thomas - 2nd place Nicole Sheehan - 5th place Sunday - Emily Thomas - 2nd place Nicole Sheehan - 3rd place VF1 Saturday - Lindsay Pettitt - 1st place Emma Giles - 6th place Sunday - Lindsay Pettitt - 4th place Emma Giles - 6th place 2dog mixed Saturday - Claire Spencer - 1st place Roxi Rose - 2nd place Isobel Powys - 6th place Sunday - Isobel Powys - 6th place |
AuthorThe NATBs will be keeping you up to date on their members, their dogs and events for the 2015/2016 Season. Hope you enjoy! Archive
April 2019
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