2 of our members have signed up to take part in the British Heart Foundations Mymarathon during May.
This is an online event where you have to run at least the distance of a marathon, 26.2 miles, during May. You can do it in 4 hours, 4 days or 4 weeks. Isobel and Emma decided it would be a good motivation to get out with the dogs in May and signed up. Emma even made the local paper (pic below). Both plan on running a few times a week with their dogs to cover the distance, and more!! (No pressure girls!) They are both requesting sponsorship to raise money for this brilliant cause, heart disease affects people at any age and both know people who have had issues. Find more information at: https://mymarathon.bhf.org.uk/?gclid=CNeL2r64rswCFYidGwodILAJbQ Sponsor Emma at: https://mymarathon.everydayhero.com/uk/team-tortoise-mymarathon-bhf Sponsor Izzy at: https://mymarathon.everydayhero.com/uk/Isobelpowysmarathon
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AuthorThe NATBs will be keeping you up to date on their members, their dogs and events for the 2015/2016 Season. Hope you enjoy! Archive
April 2019
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