A brilliantly funny blog written by Matt West on behalf of the NATBs who enjoyed the Tri Dog weekend away....enjoy!!
It started off as a joke but sadly I'd agreed to follow Team Tea to Box End to the first tridog event with us all doing the duathalon. We made our way somewhat easily on the Friday of a bank holiday weekend up the M1 to easily find the very pleasant venue of Box End that boasts a huge lake with a fantastic array of water sports and of course holding the tridog event. The venue was a park where you like set up for us which was easy and level parking beside the lake. We set up and Cliff and I rode what we thought was the course which turned out to be backwards confusing the hell out of us whilst dodging the various angry waterfowl inhabiting the edges of the lake! (Note from Emma: the pair of you are idiots!) So Saturday morning after an early morning wake up hound chorus we were all at the briefing for the event and we got some instructions for directions, mainly not to follow the many arrows laid out on the course,so signed in, tridog transition bags collected we packed them and handed them in for delivery whilst we watched the triathalon start and honestly they were brave as the water looked cold on the early start. It all ran without a hitch and was great fun watching the angry geese try their best to disrupt the Bikejor section at the start Well soon it was our turn the weather was good and Sally, Cliff and I took our places on the bikes to start our duathalon. I had the pleasure in going out 2nd in the line up with Bailey fully rested we set off on a flyer catching the first out before the first incline and enjoying watching Bailey giving her all over the following undulating last section of the Bikejor course. I've never done a tri or duathalon before so when I came across the first transition I slowed up at the wrong point and went in at a snails pace but the marshals beckoned me on showing me where to stake out the dog and where my transition bag was to change into canicross to run the next section of the race. So I'm not a runner so I was easily caught by 3 people including Cliff but the fat lad kept going with Bailey putting a shift in to the finish god it was a welcome site!!!! Cliff and I waited for Sally and Vinnie who was seen carrying the baby beagle 3/4 of the way round but was soon on there way again to the finish pulling well. We were joined by Sarah and Julie and we spent the rest of the day getting Julie's Dutchy better on the bike which went so well she decided to have a go on Sunday with us and also took part in the have a go swim with your dog later in the afternoon, Ductchy was not impressed and it seemed to traumatize the sensitive flower but Charlie and Lulu had a ball in his place and soaking all spectators but the weather was good and a cold cider helped. The evening was spent in Chez Teas new awesome awning after the BBQ, I can see many an event evening in this bad boy!!! So day 2 and we had it all to play for, today was seeded so a different start order. Cliff went off to a flyer Stanley eating up the course with his huge stride and Bailey in hot pursuit after another rider gaining at the end of the lake into the first incline, this time I knew where the transition stopping was and seemed to take an age swapping out kit to canicross but we were soon on our way to hear Sally and Vinnie behind the trees and seeing Julie being given a great pull by Dutchy!!!! The weather was much warmer today seeing temps up to 18 degrees we were slow and steady making our way back to the finish with no one overtaking which was a bonus but some competitors were having trouble with the temp and dunking there dogs in the river next to the course. The finish was finally in sight and when we crossed we were presented with a surprise finish medal which I have to say was a great touch as not everyone can place, so for me and it seems many others I spoke to, it was a great touch by the organisers, the transition bags were to keep to and had a few bits in. Julie romped in with Dutchy and Sally came in with an every eager Vinnie who welcomed a cool off in the lake. So, award time not long after and the end of a fantastic weekend Cliff was 1st and I got 3rd in the mixed male duathalon and Sally took 3rd but most of all we really enjoyed the weekend which was very well organised and run by the tridog team and who's next event is the end of September. It would be great to get a team or two together for the triathalon. Note from Emma: It definitely looks like we need to get more of a gang together for the next one, well done all involved :)
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![]() The NATBs are proud, and immensely pleased, to announce a new sponsor of the club. Please welcome Paws Play & Stay. They are based in Rushington and are run by Jo and Gary Moxon. Both Gary and Jo are involved in the dog sports world and run the very successful business, the services they offer include: Dog Day Care & Hotel Grooming spa Dog & Puppy training Cani Sports lessons Canine Massage Clinic First Aid Workshops for Dogs Lessons on How to Massage Your Dog Both are well respected in the animal sports world so we count ourselves very lucky they want to be a sponsor. Huge thanks and Welcome! To find out more about our sponsor please visit their site: http://pawsplaystay.co.uk/ On a balmy weekend at the beginning of April a crowd of NATBs descended on the last Checkendon event of the 2016/2017 season. And what a weekend it was!
Camped together like old stylee tribesmen we formed a mad troop all there to laugh, have fun with our dogs, and try not to fall off/over! The dogs were all happy to be in one of their favorite places, they quickly settled into their camps and soaked up the atmosphere. Those of us with the very furry dog type knew we may not be able to race both days as high temperatures had been forecast for the weekend. Jan and David sensibly bought forward the start times but we still knew we would be battling the elements. After the normal sportsman behaviour of helping each other to the start, mingling with all competitors and helping out where possible the NATBs crashed in a heap to enjoy the sunshine, and basically burn themselves or get sun stroke! Emma and Helene spent some time in the woods in the afternoon capturing some amazing picture of Helens dogs Maz and Toffee in a pretend canicross pose, which was a great hour or so spent with Jason Brown who kindly took the amazing pictures, some posted below. Sally had come up previously with a very good idea and as a club we purchased some club rosettes to present within the club as a bit of fun. During the day on Saturday we made the decision to present 2 of the rosettes to some new potential members who came along to try our junior canicross. Alana and Evie were desperate to have a go at running with The Woos, so we begged and borrowed some junior belts for them to try. The woos managed to not look too disgusted at having to run a further 1.5k after already completing the course in the morning, and managed to trundle round much to the delight of the girls. 2 potential new members in the making we believe! The rest of the Rosettes were handed out after the presentation and they were awarded as follows: Matt West - Top Dog - awarded for his hard and earnest efforts at improving his fitness levels to try and match those of his dogs. All joking aside Matt is putting in a sterling effort and is secretly loving the way he feels!! Izzy Powys - Top Dog - awarded for not only a spectacular dive off her chair the weekend before but for taking a rather grand dive as she got into the first section of the woods on Saturday, but getting up and continuing to run and complete the race - awesome work! Danielle White - Winner - for NOT falling off all weekend, skills are improving! hee hee Team Tea - Winner - this was presented by Emma for not only Sally gaining a PB with Vinnie round the course and completing both days (no guns shots heard!) but also for the best fall of the weekend going to Cliff, a spectacular "over the handle bars" job which resulted in an early finish to the race on Sunday and a very buckled front wheel! (Stanley was fine!) Thanks goes again to Ma SHWA and her team for including us in the fantastic food and company for the weekend. At the end of the weekend during the presentation the NATBs presented Jan and David with a few gifts and a card as just a thank you for all of their hard work during another fabulous season of fun and organised frolics! There were a lot of pictures taken so please excuse the massive gallery! Cant wait for the next one in September!! Results Male Bikejor Matt West 7th Cliff Tarrant - Fell off on Sunday, is rubbish so no placement.....tut tut(!!!) Female Bikejor Emma Giles - 8th place (dog switch on Sunday from Kavik, it was too hot for him so Oki stepped in and scared the living daylights out of Emma on the way around!) Emily Thomas - 10th place Sally Tarrant - 11th place Male Scooter Gary Oke - 4th place Female Scooter Danielle White - 7th place Canicross, Mixed Male Gary Oke - 10th place Canicross 17-39 Julie Grham - 4th place Hannah Giles - Only ran Saturday but great time Emily Thomas - 7th place Canicross Veteran Female Helen Pettitt -2nd place Joanne Heath - 6th place Isobel Powys - 8th place Emma Giles - ran Saturday only, not a great time! Must do better! |
AuthorThe NATBs will be keeping you up to date on their members, their dogs and events for the 2015/2016 Season. Hope you enjoy! Archive
April 2019
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